How To Maintain A Healthy Heart

Healthy Foods For Your Heart Health

Hi, my name is Belinda Jo I am a Herbalist and Public Speaker welcome to my blog.

I love helping other’s to be in their best health, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and  physically  I believe that the body if given the chance can be at its best health for all of our lives, I hope that blog helps you to get started on your path to your best health.

Disclaimer:  Affiliate links are used in this post, if you purchase anything from my link, I receive a small percentage of the sale at not extra cost to you.  I only recommend products and services I use and love!  It helps support my blog, so thank you for your support!



The heart is one of the most important organs in the body and it is also one that is most neglected or taken for granted. If we take care of our heart it can be strong and healthy for our whole lifetime.  Taking care of your heart should be a priority.  We load it with stress and unhealthy foods on a daily basis, yet it’s strong and keeps on pumping, but that can only last so long.

Do you want to clean your blood vessels?  Are you ready to improve your health feel better, look better, live more?  What about decreasing the risk of heart attacks in the future?  There are some foods that can benefit you in all these area’s.  Here is a list of some foods that can help your heart stay strong and healthy. 


  1.   Nuts: Nuts contain protein and fibers that are useful for the heart,  nuts contain vitamin E which helps to decrease levels of bad cholesterol.  Almonds are so rich in vitamin E that they can be stored in the refrigerator for as long as two years!  Chestnuts contain a lot of vitamin C.
  2. Oatmeal:  Rich in fiber, decreases the levels of bad cholesterol and improves digestion.  Adding some berries and honey makes it yummy and nutrients. Coarse oatmeal is the best to eat.
  3. Berries:  Speaking of berries two berries that can help your heart thrive are blueberries and strawberries.  They lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Strawberries are rich in fiber, folic acid, antioxidants and potassium also full of vitamin c.
  4. Dark Chocolate:  Cocoa helps to normalize blood pressure and fight inflammations and blood clotting.  It also reduces stress and increases serotonin in the brain which has a calming effect on the body.  Cocoa which is the main component of dark chocolate also helps to prevent memory decline.  To truly benefit from this great food get it without sugar.
  5. Watermelon:  Stabilizes the cholesterol level, provides hydration, and contains antioxidants.
  6. Garlic:  Lowers blood pressure, dilates the blood vessels, reduces plaque from appearing, its rich in selenium. For garlic to be effective must be eaten raw.  Did you know that garlic is a powerful antibiotic?
  7. Pears: Rich in fiber lowers blood pressure, helps the heart normalize blood circulation, also boost the immune system and increase energy level
  8. Cold Pressed Olive Oil: A couple of tablespoons a day will lower bad cholesterol levels and sugar in your blood.  High in oleic acid which reduces blood pressure.
  9. Fatty Fish:  Wild Caught Salmon, Herring and Haddock are more healthy than a lot of the fish we have to eat today, a lot of fish today contain mercury.  These fatty fish decrease the risk of arrhythmia and atherosclerosis.  They contain lots of vitamins and minerals.  Vitamins B2 and D together with riboflavin help the bones to absorb calcium, iron, zinc and selenium.  This gives a boost to our immune system.  Fish is tasty in many different ways (not fried).  Have at least 2 to 3 days a week.
  10. Dark Green Veggies:  Full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, activates the heart and normalizes blood pressure.

Exercise Your Heart


The saying if you don’t use it you lose it is so true.  If you don’t give your #heart some kind of challenge it will stop doing the best that it can for you.  Just like you have to exercise your leg, arm, and stomach muscles the heart muscle needs to be exercised also.

The hearts job is to move blood throughout the body which provides oxygen to all parts of the body which is especially needed by the muscles when exercising.  The muscles work harder when exercising so does the heart this strengthens not only the muscles that the heart is sending the blood to but also strengthens the heart, which makes it have to beat less to get the blood throughout the body.

This also helps to reduce plaque buildup, strokes and heart attacks.  Did you know that by exercising your heart it builds new blood cells in the body which improves circulation and overall health, causing you to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight and improve your overall health. There are herbs that can strengthen and cleanse the heart these herbs must be from a good source.


What Are You Worth


Imagine going to a foreign land where they have never heard of money.  As you travel through this land you notice something very unusual.  There are only two sections in this land, and they are divided by a wall that has a huge double door, on the right side of the door, it’s covered in solid gold the door handle is a red ruby.  The left side of the door is covered in copper, the door handle is make of solid gold.  The wall by the way, is made of marble.  In this land the best things that come from the earth, like diamonds, ruby’s and gold are used to build with, they are not considered of any value other than they will last forever in building homes. Value is mostly placed on the people themselves.

On the side with the copper door, people are mostly plumb to obese, they eat whatever they want to eat, they grow and make their own food. The law allows them to grow their own food and eat to their heart’s content.  They don’t do much physical activity.  They play computer games, watch TV, and have a lot of cooking contest to see who can come up with recipes that are rich and indulgent.  They live a life of self-gratification.  Whatever they desire to do is what they do and the law allows this, but they are not allowed to go through the door to the other side.  Their life span is not that long, it’s around 65, and even then they suffer from heart conditions, diabetes, cancer and other ailments, so their quality of life is not that great, they are constantly going to the doctor, in pain of some kind, or suffering in one form or another. On the side with the gold door the laws are different.  The people grow their own food, but they don’t change it much,  as a matter of fact they eat it slightly cooked or raw,  they do a lot of walking, and outdoor activities,  they also do exercises that challenge their minds. The average person is slim and healthy.  They don’t live to eat, they eat to live.  The laws on this side of the door don’t allow them to eat whatever they want to eat, or indulge in whatever they feel like indulging in.  The lifespan is around 100 and they don’t suffer from any man-made ailments.  In both cases the people themselves picked and voted for these laws.  Which side of the wall would you live on?

How To Create A Heart Attack


Have you ever heard anyone say they wanted to end up with a terminal disease and have to spend thousands of dollars for treatment? 

Or even worse end up dead from something that could have been prevented, their body was giving them signals for years that something was not quite right but because it was only a little discomfort it was ignored. 

Did you know that you can have heart problems for years and function and then one day just drop dead?  This happened to my father, he went to bed one night and got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, on his way down the hall he dropped dead from a #heart attack.  We had no clue that something was going wrong with him, he was only 55, we were all in shock.  But there were little signals that something was wrong,  he could not walk very far without breathing heavily, he had a stomach pouch he sometimes had pain in his left arm.

  He was not sedentary, he worked 5 days a week never took a day off, there was always some relatives coming over on the weekend for a party. My father loved to cook and he was a great cook, he served in the Navy for a while and developed a taste for foods from different countries that he had traveled to. He cooked foods from all over the world. 

We often went to the beach or the park and took trips to Yosemite, lot’s of out-door activity.  But my father did everything that a person does that dies from a heart condition. 

He drank a lot of alcohol, (we had a bar in our house), he smoked two packs of cigarettes a day .  He loved to eat cake, pie, cookies and donuts.  He loved to barbecue hamburgers (they were so good) he loved hamburgers so much that my uncle called him wimpy after a cartoon character that loved hamburgers.  He cooked with a lot of table salt, pork fat and we had a lot of dishes that were filled with cheese.  A lot of sauces he made were rich with cream and he loved fried catfish and chicken.   There is nothing wrong with having any of these foods in moderation, once in a while you want to treat yourself, but we ate like this all of the time, good rich food was a norm in our home.  Most of the time we had a salad or vegetable on the side, but it was not much thought put into either one and the salad dressing was full of food coloring or other ingredients you could not recognize.  So what is the the main cause of heart disease, #diet and lack of #exercise.  

Recipe For Healthy Blood Vessels
apple cider




Lemon Juice:  Half a Pint

Garlic Puree:  Half a Pint

Raw Honey:    5 Tablespoons

Ginger Juice:    Half a Pint

Cayenne Pepper:   According to taste

Mix all ingredients except honey and Cayenne Pepper.

Cook over medium heat for half and hour.  Remove from heat and let it cool completely, after cooling add honey.  Mix well, pour mixture into a clean bottle, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. Take one Tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach add cayenne pepper to taste.

The health Benefits of this drink:

Cayenne Pepper:  Boost circulation and increase heart action.

Garlic and Honey: Reduces blood pressure and the level of cholesterol.

Ginger: Prevents heart diseases.

Lemon: Regulates the heartbeat.

Apple Cider Vinegar:  Removes Toxins from the body.

Drink and maintain a #healthy #heart

A little information about Cayenne Pepper:
cyene pepper

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